Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Two Tone Poem

At school I feel a dark bluish-green-
Internally bold but externally quiet,
Like a low thumping bass drum;
A mossy forest that's calm and at peace
But uneasy and impatient.
But in my own element I am a rich, earthy orange-
Warm and full of energy,
The sounds of a lively rain forest
Or dancing to a pulsing drumbeat-
Unpredictable, uninhibited, undeniably kinesthetic.
My orange is an electric exception to everyday questions.

image for video is from
bbsc30. "Green Forest."15 May 2004. Photo. Free Pictures.com. 6 March 2009. http://www.freepicturesfreepictures.com/free-pictures-green-forest-sunshine-bbsc30.jpg

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